Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Last Blog.

The first time I started my blog I forgot about the first two weeks of assignments and after having the extended time to do them really made me realize that there were weekly assignments and I’m glad that we had more time to do them or else I would have never known about those assignments. After getting the hang of blogging I enjoyed sharing my opinion on my blogs and reading what other people thought about what I wrote; I don’t think that I’ll continue my blog mainly because I know I’ll just forget about it. I enjoyed reading other blogs and I want to thank everyone that read my blogs and left their comments.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

TED Lectures

From Mark Bittman’s lecture I learned how meat in our diets is really unnecessary and that by cutting down on raising livestock we will cut down on all the methane gases that are in the atmosphere. The main message was to cut down on meat and eat more plants because that’s what really has all the nutrition we need. After watching this video I think I actually will cut down on the meat consumption more and try to eat more healthy things like vegetables.

Ann Cooper’s lecture was very impressive because she had a lot of facts about what our country spends the most on; for example, I didn’t know that only $500 was spent on food for children while $110 billion was spent on keeping prisoners in prison, and $200 billion was spent on diet-related illness. It also surprised me how buying a 5dollar coffee was more than feeding a child for a week. I learned a lot of facts from this lecture and now I know how important it is to make a difference in children’s life by giving them classes on healthy food, because if we don’t then the next generations are the ones that are going to suffer for eating too many unhealthy foods.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

3 Important people to me

One important person to me is my mom; my mom has always been there for me when I need someone to talk to and she is always supporting me in my school work even more now that I’m in college. My mom is easy to talk to and I always get along with my mom, when I get in trouble it’s much easier to talk to my mom instead of my dad because she’s not as strict as my dad. My dad is also important to me but my mom has always been there for me.
Another important person to me is my sister Samantha. My sister and I are close and we are always together when we go somewhere we shop together. Samantha and I always have together, we usually laugh at each other and at everything. When I’m not feeling well or when I’m mad my sister always cheers me up and I feel better. I like that my sister and I are always there for each other and as she is there for me I am there for her; we have each other’s back most of the time.
A final person that’s important to me is my brother Robert. Robert and I are also close mainly because we are only a year and a half apart so we went to school together. He’s important to me because he’s my big brother and in school he was protective of me when we were younger. He also bought me little toys when we younger because I kept crying to him and he would eventually give in; he’s also been a role model for. Robert is the one that started to play an instrument and I did the same when I was in high school and I also started to learn how to play the drums.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My thoughts on FFN

After reading Fast Food Nation it has really affected me; now I think twice about eating fast food and whenever I eat meat I always make sure that it has been cooked all the way and sometimes I don’t even want to eat meat because I think about the slaughterhouses and what they do to cattle. I don’t think I’ll stop eating meat but I’ll just have the thoughts about all the bacteria and diseases in the back of my mind whenever I’m going to eat meat or chicken.
I’ll make changes in my life because of this like cutting back on fast food and making sure that I just don’t eat anything because you don’t know where it’s been.
This book has raised some issues in my life; I wonder if what I eat is fully cooked and if it’s healthy and I just won’t ever shake the thoughts of what goes on in the slaughterhouses.

Monday, November 1, 2010

College Experience

Truth: I have 3 siblings

At first this semester was easy but now school for me has been a little bit stressful because of the work load from all of my classes, but overall I like that this semester is almost over. The challenges I face are simply just turning in my homework on time and passing my mid-terms. The class that I’m mostly worried about is my math class because some of the chapters are really hard and my teacher teaches at a fast pace; and if I was too miss one class I’m missing a whole section because we do one section per day and then have random quizzes on a section we covered. The ultimate pay off when this semester ends is that I’ll be a little bit closer to getting a degree in Computer Science. I stay motivated by telling myself that this will all pay off in the end.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Can you guess the right one?

1) I can play the guitar

2) I have my own car

3) I was attacked by a dog before

4) I broke my arm before

5) I have 3 siblings

6) I don’t wear glasses